понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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I mentioned before that Iapos;d explain what happened with the labret.

I went out to dinner with a friend Thursday night, and while I was in the midst of talking and chewing, I bit down on the back of my labret and pulled it through the hole. The reason this was possible was because I had put a smaller ball on the end of the barbell, which was barely larger than the barbell itself. Regardless, it tore things on the way through my lip, was extremely painful, and resulted in large quantities of blood pouring from my face. I tried to put the barbell back through and the larger spike back on, but it was still horribly swollen.

And then, of course, my mom conveniently throws an ultimatum my way, basically telling me that I canapos;t use their vehicle to go around town to take care of registration and insurance so I can drive my own vehicle unless I take the piercing out. GO MOM. But it was hurting really bad anyway, so I took it out, but assured her that I wasnapos;t doing it just because she said so, and reiterated that Iapos;d be getting it repierced once I move out. Iapos;ll get it done as a 16g next time so that the ball to barbell ratio is greater while still having smaller balls.

Hee hee, I just talked about balls. On my face.

That is all.

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I dont even know how to begin my odd story that describes my plane ride back home. Iapos;m walking toward my economy class seat and i spot this strange man on the seat next to the one i am designated to. When traveling alone, i have learnt to ask for the aisle seat so that i can make the quick toilet escape if i need to and also if the person next to me has body odor or takes up too much space, it will be more comfortable for me. But this man who was seated next to me was strange for a new reason. He wrapped his body and head with the blanket, put the free airline socks on his hands and used the eye mask on over his mouth like a surgical mask. I was like, are you kidding me? he looked like there was sars or something. I wanted to burst out laughing. He might have later found it hard to breathe so he took his surgical mask off and eventually the socks too when he could not do anything with his hands. As time went on, i found that this strange tall man had also no sense of personal space and i think it also might have been his first time on the plane. He didnt know how to use his cutlery and he scooped jam with his spoon and ate it like dessert until he decided (am guessing) that it was too sweet. And then on the other side of the aisle, there were three 30 something year old men who were acting like they were 15, laughing at everything and being juvenile. Good thing i had my good book and my tendency to sleep on the plane got me through safely.

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Looks like W has just about completed destruction of the repubican party. Colin Powell, along with Condoleeza Rice, shares the distinction of being, or having been, the highest ranking political black republican in America. Yesterday Powell jumped ship and announced his support for the democrat candidate for president. It appears Powell is getting even with his old boss, Dubya, for not reappointing him as secretary of state. In fact, the story goes that there was no conversation about the appointment. Powell was just left to hang dangling in the wind since he didn't get the courtesy of a call telling him his job was going to someone else. Insiders say it was a messy changeover in a very high ranking job.

I personally cannot imagine any person of color not supporting the democrat for obvious reasons. A victory by the dems this year would be truly historical and as little as 10 years ago, unthinkable. I don't want to stand in the way of history so I think I'll sit this one out and let others express their opinions with their votes. Kentucky has been virtually ignored in this campaign. It seems we are not in the loop.

I'm going to support the boys I know, Lunsford, Pendleton and Calhoun and leave the big guns to others. I can relate to my boys. I can't relate to Obama. As a Navy vet I can relate to John McCain but his age and medical history are against him. I think Gov. Palin is as qualified to lead the country as W has been but that's setting the sights pretty low. Biden is a yes man to the Senate leadership and has never had a job where he was in charge. None of them have, except Palin. She already has more leadership skills and decision making under her belt than any of the other 3 who have all been locked into legislative jobs.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Was having a small get together but it sort of fell apart. Even Amy, whose idea it was. That wouldnapos;t have hurt so much (if at all) if it wasnapos;t like... The third or fourth time she and I have tried together. Something always comes up.

And now Bradapos;s late.. Itapos;s starting to feel like everyone has something better to do today than hang out with me.

Gawd I need to get on another pill, this one just wreaks havoc on my emotions and better judgment.

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Got on my bike at 6:35am today (Saturday) thinking to myself "this is going to be a good ride. Whoapos;s going to be on the road at this hour on a Saturday?"

Well, to my dismay, the one car I crossed on my way to work (I donapos;t have a very long stretch of road I need to journey on to get to work, most of it is river paths) was a van with some dumb ass driver sitting behind the wheel. I was booking it down the hill on Kitson, and I donapos;t know exactly how fast I was going, but it was pretty damn fast. I saw the van oncoming, and so I stayed to my right hand curb lane. This lady in her infinite wisdom decided while thereapos;s a cyclist booking it towards her to start doing a 3 point turn in the middle of the road. She couldapos;ve had the courtesy to at least allow me a feet from her bumper to the curb for me to cross, but no this dumbass driver pulls the front wheel right to the curb, resulting in me nearly slamming into her hood. I was SO mad, was THIS close to kicking her van. THIS close

Then, on the river walk path that leads from the forks to the banana boat, theyapos;ve decided to dig up a short portion of my path for I donapos;t know, some... Whatever. Anyways, the path they dug up was fairly easy riding. A few bumps here and there, but in the middle of the dirt, there was this huge mound of root, mud and shit. My bike helmetapos;s pretty bright, but it mostly shines just right in front of my bike, not too far ahead. So, needless to say, I slammed into that root and mud, and I went tumbling. Your humble friend and narrator is happy to report Iapos;m unscathed by the incident, but MAN, what a crappy bike ride this morning.
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astronomical calendar

Last night, I went out to this bar called Sickle Seven(or was it Sicko Seven?) which was near the Cathedral in the old part of town where there were cobbled pathways. Got thrown into my virgin Tequila shot and a subsequent one and a NASTY taste of San Buco(spelling?) which reminded me of bongela. I swear, it tasted exactly like bongela.

Ironically, the last phone call I had before I went out was with my mom whose last words in that call were, apos;Remember, donapos;t drink ahapos;

Anyway, at midnight, you DO�NOT want to be walking in Old Town, particularly outside the most gothic cathedral, ALONE because there are all sorts of weird ass people and hobos who stalk you. And OMG, we got stalked by some hobo who wanted money and so we walked into this caf� to seek shelter and he followed us in. IT WAS SO FUCKING SCARY. We left after the coast was clear and walked all the way to St. Fran�ois and we met him again at Macs. We were like HOLYSHIT. But he left after getting water. But still, omg, SCARY.

Thank goodness for school chartered buses that bring us back from clubs.

3 exams next week, then SERVICE THEORY WEEK AND THEN ITS SERVICE PRACTICAL. And holymoley, Iapos;ve been alone here for 7 weeks now and I didnapos;t even realize it. Time seriously flies omg.
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Iapos;ve made the decision: Iapos;m going to write "Star-Storm" (now named Storm Front) for NaNoWriMo. This evening I put the following synopsis into my profile:

What would you do if you knew exactly when you were going to die? How far would you go to fight it?

These questions become more than theoretical when the residents of a colony planet, who arenapos;t able to return home due to technological limitations, discover that a nearby star has very likely gone nova -- and the shock waves are on their way. What will they do to protect themselves and their civilization from the coming cataclysm?

Given this storyapos;s origins in Star Trek fan fiction, itapos;s definitely space opera. But itapos;s space opera with a serious question at its root (the first two sentences). This question also isnapos;t exactly theoretical for me, either; Iapos;ve had cause to develop, and have developed, some pretty firm opinions about end-of-life and medical intervention issues. As medical science advances, I suspect the number of people who face what Iapos;ve faced will go up.

Since I know both the purpose of the story and its general plot, I do expect Iapos;ll be able to get an outline done this weekend. Letapos;s see if Iapos;m right.

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down lock policy

She will kill me if I tell you this, but my friend from college, we shall call her deb- as that is her name- tells a very funny story.

The story goes roughly thusly: She went her college reunion (she graduated a year before I did)(and I never read the newsletter so I wouldnt have been there anyway) and said reunion was on a boat that left a harbour in NYC. So far so good right? right. So she is dancing with the guy she once dated and forever wanted to date again but couldnt for verious reasons (you didnt need to know that- sheapos;s going to kill me)(but that detail is important)(think:"guy she really wants to impress") and she is drinking and she keeps getting more and more drunk.

all good.

and the dance floor is on the deck of the boat and shes wearing some stemy little black shoes and shes drunk, on a wet boat deck and shes dancing... Now you are following... And the boat lurches and everyone stops what they are doing a moment and waits out the lurch... But deb? no not deb. Her feet go out from under her and she falls flat on her ass. With her legs akimbo and somewhat in the air... (Not impressive right?) but she is holding a fresh cosmo and she holds it up above her head during her fall and never spills a drop. Perhaps a drop but certinly not the drink...
and someone unknown yells "Whoo Oneonta girls hold their liquor" and people started clapping.

which you have to admit, is pretty impressive.

and I couldnt help but agree, girls at oneonta never spilled their drinks. Boys did. They would attempt to dance and flap their arms about while forgetting that they once had an amber bock. Where did the bock go? oh well.

I spent this pas weekend in Vermont. I was attending my best friends wedding, and it took place on sunday and I arrived on saturday.. Night. Pretty late, having attended a birthday party and taken the 3 and a half hour trip out there. Non the less I was very excited to be there. Best friends new family was hilarious. Also warm and friendly and a little snarky and I was prepared to marry one of them myself. And her new father in law jumped up and made me a rather wacky margarita... So whats not to like?

and Im sitting with them all in a living room full of dining room chairs when a wave of.. Belch smell.. Washes over me. Not wanting to make a scene.. Although honestly I always wind up in a scene... I stood up abruptly and moved a few chairs down, holding my drink, I proceeded to face out while seating myself.

The thing of it was, best friends new husband, acting on a request had started to pull chairs from the living room. He pulled my intended chair and the one next to me out from under me as I was sitting.... Causing yet another "full house moment" except that Iapos;d had a long day and what I figured was a decadently strong drink, Therefor.. As I descended I thought "Shit theres really no chair there everyone must think Im crazy drunk" so not wanting to make a fool of myself I engaged my core muscles and proceeded to sort of effortlessly roll down my back and on to the floor - minding not to smack my head on the tile floor of the adjoining kitchen right behind me and yet... Maintaining my drinks up-right integrity.... Well mr new husband to my best friend was absolutely motionless with fear. And When I sat up I erupted into laughter. Looking at the really stunned faces of my audience my laughter become completely uncontrollable paused only to sip my drink.

and the drink maker threw his hands in the air.. And yelped "Shes okay" and everyone joined in the laughing.

An oneonta girl never spills her drink when she is falling over. True to form.
and that was quite possibly the best time I have ever had falling down.

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I have been trying to post the next letter of my Build A City Challenge, but the LJ cut thing is mucking up. Itapos;s not working I press enter and then it creates a new LJ cut, OR the cursor thing ends up outside the lj cut instead of making a new line in the lj cut. I might try again tomorrow. In the mean time, Iapos;m going to play my uber hood.

*mumbles* Stupid LiveJournal *mumbles* peace oapos; junk *mumbles*
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