понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

drink health manufacturer

Looks like W has just about completed destruction of the repubican party. Colin Powell, along with Condoleeza Rice, shares the distinction of being, or having been, the highest ranking political black republican in America. Yesterday Powell jumped ship and announced his support for the democrat candidate for president. It appears Powell is getting even with his old boss, Dubya, for not reappointing him as secretary of state. In fact, the story goes that there was no conversation about the appointment. Powell was just left to hang dangling in the wind since he didn't get the courtesy of a call telling him his job was going to someone else. Insiders say it was a messy changeover in a very high ranking job.

I personally cannot imagine any person of color not supporting the democrat for obvious reasons. A victory by the dems this year would be truly historical and as little as 10 years ago, unthinkable. I don't want to stand in the way of history so I think I'll sit this one out and let others express their opinions with their votes. Kentucky has been virtually ignored in this campaign. It seems we are not in the loop.

I'm going to support the boys I know, Lunsford, Pendleton and Calhoun and leave the big guns to others. I can relate to my boys. I can't relate to Obama. As a Navy vet I can relate to John McCain but his age and medical history are against him. I think Gov. Palin is as qualified to lead the country as W has been but that's setting the sights pretty low. Biden is a yes man to the Senate leadership and has never had a job where he was in charge. None of them have, except Palin. She already has more leadership skills and decision making under her belt than any of the other 3 who have all been locked into legislative jobs.

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